The Benefits of Vibration on Brain Development
As parents, caregivers, educators, and health professionals, our primary goal is to provide our children with the best environment for...
The Benefits of Vibration on Brain Development
Neuroinflammation, Brain Development & Function
The Reticular Activating System (RAS)
Auditory Processing-Overlooked, Undertreated, & Misunderstood
The Many Faces of Dysgraphia
The Vagus Nerve-Why it Matters
Gut Microbiome and Cognitive Function
The Gut Microbiome-Part 2: The Infant Microbiome
The Gut Microbiome-the Key to Health and Cognition, Part 1
Why Cognitive Testing May Not Give You All the Answers
Give Your Brain Some Love-Move Your Body
504 versus IEP-which one and why?
Core Strength & Low Tone
Toe Walking
Essential Oils and Cognition
Anxiety, Working Memory, and Learning
You are carrying your trauma with you
Reading is NOT the problem
The Power of Setting Intentions
The Underactive Tactile System